Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces

There are 14 Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces in Ireland, 12 in the grater Dublin area, one in Bray and one in Cork. Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces (LDATFs) were set up in the late 1990s to address the drug crisis of the time. LDATFs play a key role in the identification of emerging drug and alcohol trends within the local community and are responsible for developing and implementing a local strategy in line with the national strategy Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery (2017-2025). All Local Drugs & Alcohol Task Forces support a number of organisations and initiatives at a local level which provide a range of services and activities across the region.

The Local Drugs &Alcohol Task Forces Chairs Network
The LDATF Chairs Network is a network of chairpersons of Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces. Chairpersons are voluntary and independent. The primary purpose of the LDATF Chair’s Network is to be the representative voice of the Task Forces. It exists to facilitate the Chairs of the Task Forces to exchange information, discuss challenges impacting on LDATFs and where agreed, to develop common policies and positions. The network exists to strengthen the effectiveness and reach of the LDATFs and is not politically aligned. The network has a strong relationship with individual LDATFs and collaborates closely with the LDATF’s Coordinator’s Network.

Each LDATF has a co-ordinator who is responsible for the delivery of the Task Forces’ strategic and operational work plans.

